I was recently in a hotel and found myself in need of a Bible. Much to my dismay, after checking all the drawers, there was no Bible to be found.
See, my great-uncle is what you would call…um….politically aggressive and he told my mom, after expressing passionately his distaste for AOC and The Green New Deal, she needs to read Genesis chapter eight. I had a feeling the hotel wouldn’t have a copy of the bible but I had to check anyway.
(Oh geez, this reminds me the last time I saw the Bible in a hotel was in a ramshackle place in Costa Rica. It had a joint delicately tucked into the pages.)
ANYWAY! Last night I remembered I have this Mark Chagall Bible from his museum in Nice, France so I gave that a read. I had never actually read a bible chapter before. I think what my great-uncle was getting at is summed up nicely in the last sentence of the chapter which reads, “While the earth remain us, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not seize.”
To me this means, as long as the earth stands, we will be taken care of by god.
However, it says nothing about what happens when the earth is standing but on fire and under water all at once.